Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

This puppet animation movie is a prequel to "The Dark Crystal", a classic from 1982. Jason Isaacs gives his voice to The Emperor. It will premiere on Netflix August 30. (2019)

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Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by Helen8 » Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:54 pm

Having watched the 10 eps. over the last 2days, I thought I would create this forum. First, be sure to watch The Making Of immediately following ep. 10.

This isn't a spoiler. I absolutely love all of the Art Nouveaux design of almost all of the sets—doors. mechanisms, the throne room of the All Maudra, Brea's journal, and weapons. Just incredibly beautiful.

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Re: Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by thunder » Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:33 am

Thanks for starting this topic, Helen. I will revisit when I have seen some of it.


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Re: Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by Marie » Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:49 am

First off I love that puppets tell a story with ….. puppets!

Secondly - I want one of those legless fur-ball dogs!!!! Really they were so cool - so was the little guy with the eye stalks in the Scientist's lab.

Thirdly I have never heard so many evil maniacal laughs in my life!!!! Chief among them - the Emperor.
It may just be me but I felt the very strong vibe that the Emperor = Trump, and the other Skeksis syncopates = Trump's Cabinet.

Simon Pegg (who I normally adore) as the Chamberlain, kind of reminded me of Ahmed Best voicing Jar Jar Binks. None of the other Skeksis talked like that. I guess it is meant to convey the Chamberlain's duplicity and scheming - but I was just annoyed. And - why oh why show puppets eating? (or rather shoving food into a mouth slit and watching half of it come out) but I will admit the Skeksis puppets had a well formed mouth for eating and they looked pretty realistic performing that task!

However - I'm still going to recommend watching this. The imagery is stunning. I was going to comment about the evil Skeksis creatures being so hideous and why do they have to be so over the top with that - but then they have Aughra who is pretty darn ugly but so cool and so good!!!! So I'm happy about that.

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Re: Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by Helen8 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:27 pm

legless fur-ball dogs

Yes!!! I want me a fizzgig!!! When they're not screaming batshite crazy, they're really cute.

so many evil maniacal laughs

I'm not surprised that Jason almost lost his voice after the recording sessions. That was so far below his normal speaking voice that he was really scary.

Having watched the original for the first time, just before Resistance dropped, I was impressed with how lifelike the puppets were. In the original, we thought that Gelflings Kira and Jen were child actors under the clothes and facemasks. (It's obvious that Skeksis were played by puppeteers.) The Making ofmade it clear that they WERE puppets then as now.

It's pretty clear that it's been left open to more seasons. :wheee

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Re: Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by servalan » Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:42 pm

I have finally seen the last episode, and really enjoyed the whole ride. It will bear re-watching, as there are so many characters and it gets complicated. Am I the only one who found it difficult to tell some of the Skeksis apart? Simon Pegg's "hmmm" as the Chamberlain at least made him easy to identify.

I too am not surprised if Jason strained his voice, as he actually sounded strained towards the end. He was definitely channelling Lucius for me, he used a similar but harsher posh voice.

The creatures and the artwork for the whole environment are wonderful. I love that Toby Froud, who was the baby in Labyrinth, was involved with the designs. I was also pleased to see Jim Henson's workshop is still going strong in these days of CGI. I always thought that the original Frank Oz puppet Yoda was much better than the CGI version in Star Wars.

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Re: Age of Resistance Discussion Forum—SPOILERS

Post by Helen8 » Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:49 pm

Am I the only one who found it difficult to tell some of the Skeksis apart?

No, Servalan, you're not. It wasn't until the second episode that I picked out the crescent-moon shaped crown(?) on the Emperor's head. I also had trouble with the three Gelfling princesses. I had to look at their hairdos to tell which was which. Despite these issues, I found it compelling and entertaining.

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